Pedagogical activities

Joint teaching lessons are the most important pedagogical activities carried out in the workshops.

In Czech Republic there was a joint teaching lesson by Přema Stindl (Czech teacher) and Jouni Ahlhom (Finnish teacher).
Students worked in laboratory with microscopes and examined plant parts picked in area “Na Plachtě”. In the second part of the lesson they learnt about different plant and animal species in the Czech Republic and in Finland and did a quiz about all things they learnt.

by Vicente Paredes (Spanish teacher)

In Hungary the joint teaching by Szilvia Lakatos (Hungarian teacher) and Vicente Paredes (Spanish teacher) was a biology lesson.
Students examined owl pellets they collected the previous evening in the main square of the village. They tried to find what animals owls had eaten before. In these lessons, students learned to make own observations and conclusions – they also learned how to contact small experiments.

by Vicente Paredes (Spanish teacher)

In Germany there was a joint teaching lesson by Elisabeth Mohr (Geman teacher) and Andrej Nemec (Slovenian teacher).
Students worked in laboratory with microscopes and examined water from the 'Europapark' pond. They looked for Slipper animalcule, Amoeba, Cyclops, etc. and answer questions like What it look like? How many had you found? etc.

by Vicente Paredes (Spanish teacher)

In Spain there was a joint teaching lesson by Vojta Lacman (The Czech Republic) and Juan M. Hipólito Corbacho (Spain). 

Inspired in a CLIL lesson, students worked in groups. The lesson was divided in three parts. 

We started with a brief presentation about national parks history and famous national parks in the world (tuning).

After that, each group had to choose information related to one specific national parks included in our project (scanning and sorting).  

Finally, students watched some videos where people answered why national parks are important. Then, they wrote their personal conclusions about this question (reflecting and discussing).

by Vicente Paredes (Spanish teacher) 

In Slovenia we had two Joint Lessons, one in the 3rd and one in grades from 6 
 he 3rd graders learned about the Mura River and its characteristics, e.g. animals and plants in and around it
Older students were having a joint lesson with mathematics, geography, history, biology, languages and IT. They ad to hike through the forest, along the fields, solve different tasks and orientate themselves with GPS tracking devices

by Vicente Paredes (Spanish teacher) 

by Vicente Paredes (Spanish teacher)